Golf Croquet Clinics
3-Hour Clinics offered at your croquet club with additional evenings of tabletop and glow-in-the-dark croquet.
Offered Year round – Weather permitting
We offer 2 clinics per day for up to 4 consecutive days with 8 persons maximum per clinic.
$125 per person – Includes course materials and the 7 Skills Handbook.
All proceeds support our mission.
1. One hit per turn: Blue, Red, Black and Yellow starting within one handle length of yellow corner.
2. Score hoops 1 – 5 clockwise.
3. First ball through the hoop scores that hoop; once a hoop is scored, all play to the next hoop.
4. A ball re-enters where it leaves the court.
5. Offside: If your ball is more than halfway to the next hoop when the current hoop is scored, without hitting or being hit by an opponent ball, then your opponent can place your ball at either red X for your next hit or leave it where it is. Hit from within one handle length radius of the X.

Five Tactics: Score, Set Up, Clear, Block, Hide.
Five Etiquettes: “Play Well”, Be Quiet, Be Still, No Shadows, “Thank you!”
7 Skills to Play like a Champion: Improve your game – Track your progress!
Your instructor: James Creasey
Founder/CEO Jiminy Wicket
National GC8s Champion, 2022; Mid-West Regional GC Champion, 2022; Ponte Vedra CC Seahorse Trophy Champion, 2022; NCC Steuber Doubles GC Champion, 2023; Recipient USCA President’s Award 2023

1. One hit per turn: Blue, Red, Black and Yellow starting within one handle length of yellow corner.
2. Score hoops 1 – 5 clockwise.
3. First ball through the hoop scores that hoop; once a hoop is scored, all play to the next hoop.
4. A ball re-enters where it leaves the court.
5. Offside: If your ball is more than halfway to the next hoop when the current hoop is scored, without hitting or being hit by an opponent ball, then your opponent can place your ball at either red X for your next hit or leave it where it is. Hit from within one handle length radius of the X.

Five Tactics: Score, Set Up, Clear, Block, Hide.
Five Etiquettes: “Play Well”, Be Quiet, Be Still, No Shadows, “Thank you!”
Learn and practice: the 7 Skills to Play like a Champion…
Learn the 5 Strategies to devastate your opponents, and the 5 Tactics to win your games.
You will play with clearer strategic insights and hit the ball with deeper self-confidence.
Our unique golf croquet program provides the drills to develop and hone your skills.
For more information or to request a clinic, email us at